Angela Albert
Nutritional Therapist & Allergist

My Health journey is the reason, why I have become a health advocate and specialized in Allergies and Intolerances.
Raising four handsome Boys, it hasn't been easy, because of the many sleepless nights because of sore tummies. After dragging them to many different Practitioners, being told these are Childhood Colics, and they will go away.. But they didn't! In fact it got worse! Even one of my children was diagnosed and prescribed medication for ADHD.
That's when I thought that's not right, there has to be more help.
Myself I got very sick because of the stress, and got even clinically diagnosed as a ' Coeliac' Patient ( an Autoimmune Desaes, Gluten Intolerance ), only to be un-diagnosed two years later and send home eating whatever I liked. Within a short time, I was very sick again and it was at that point, that I was introduced to the Bio Meridian Stress Therapie. Finally someone could help. I was informed, that I am not a 'Coeliac',( that is an autoimmune disorder), I have a Gluten intolerance and that is a lot easier to manage.
I am passionate about health, because I know first hand what it means not to be well. I also had chronic fatigue syndrome and dragged myself around mostly bed ritten. Not to forget to mention, all the Viruses and Parasites I had to deal with too.
You can't buy good health! And feeling great and full of energy on top of the world every day is achievable.
Don't wait until you are very sick. Prevention is better then cure!
What we can do for you is getting to the cause of your problems and not putting a bandage ( Medication ) on top of it.
Angela Albert
Director & Practitioner
Innovative Health Solutions
0431 953 752